Payment of method

We accept PAYPAL as the main payment method at

We recommend using PayPal:

Payments are trackable, for a start. Using your PayPal account, you can track the status of your payment.

 And you can pay for your order by transferring money directly to your bank account instead of using a credit card online.


Payment currency

Prices listed on are in United States Dollars (USD). If you make a purchase outside the United States, your payment provider will immediately convert your funds to USD at the current rate.


Payment confirmation

You will receive a purchase confirmation email as soon as your funds are successfully processed. This email serves as verification of your payment and contains details about your transaction. Please save a copy of this email for your records.


Transaction security

Our first concern is keeping your financial information safe. Because uses industry-standard encryption and security processes, you can shop with confidence. We always use the utmost care and security when handling your payment information.


Payment dispute

To resolve any billing disputes, we will comply with established standards and standard industry practices. Customers should resolve their issues with us by contacting our customer service department before filing a dispute or complaint.

We will ensure that any applicable refunds and returns are clearly stated on our website (please refer to our Refunds and Returns Policy). It is important to read this policy to understand the terms and circumstances that allow for a refund or return, as well as any associated costs or restocking fees.


Update payment policy

This payment policy may be changed at any time without prior notice by You should check this page regularly for updates.

If you have any questions or concerns about our payment process, please contact our support team. To help make your purchase as simple as possible, we’re here to help.


If you have any concerns or questions about our payment policy, please contact our customer support team at [email protected].